17 April 2010

i almost forgot the password to this blog!

so, i've not been very good at crafting since i started my [energy sucking] job.

and by "not very good" i mean "totally freaking avoiding." until i realized that I TAKE PICTURES! SOMETIMES THEY'RE GOOD!

as i'm in seattle right now in the throes of existential angst over living in kansas but loving washington, i figured i could share some of my favorite shots from the trip so far. that counts as craft, right?
no? well, hopefully i'll be finishing a baby blanket soon and working on planting some things when i return to the land of oz.
i can't believe i just made that joke.

the space needle, as seen from inside the science fiction museum/experience music project in the seattle center.

pike place market. kid thought i was crazy.

the beach in mukilteo, washington. and my father.

the beach in the park by deception pass.

these are my paltry offerings. oh, and this:

snoqualmie falls.