13 June 2010

Campity camp camp camp!

Summer camp, that is.

As we craft ninjas are somewhat infrequent with our blog posts, Kitchen Ninja suggested that we pick a weekly theme and make something to fit that theme and post it to the blog. So, to kick things off, we have the theme of "camp." I have a feeling, we will all interpret the theme differently, but that's part of the fun.

I have the good fortune to be working with a Shakespeare camp as a part of the Heart of America Shakespeare Festival this summer. I worked with them last year as an education intern, but this year I get to be a "teaching artist." How pretentious does that sound? It's pretty much the best summer job I can ask for. I get to spend the summer playing games and talking to high school kids about theatre. Love, love, love it!

Anyway, I have a bunch of shiz I need to haul back and forth from the classroom every day, so I thought to myself: "Self. You should make a bag to put all that shiz in." And so I did.

Here it is. Hanging on the bathroom door.

The inside.

The inside pocket. It's very difficult to photograph a cloth bag and make it look nice. Any pointers would be lovely.

I carried it all of the first week of camp and it is lovely and quite durable, which are great things to look for in a camp bag.

But wait! There's more!

This afternoon, I was feeling like I wanted to make something food-wise. It rained all morning and on into the early afternoon, but by one o'clock it had pretty much dried out. Unfortunately, since this is the midwest, that meant soul-crushing humidity rolled in to take the place of the rain. Ergo, it was way too hot to cook anything in my tiny apartment with only a window unit A.C.

So I made a metric ton of salsa.

I tried to make it as mild as possible, since the heat of my salsa seems to grow the longer it sits. Now I need to find some salsa-lovers to eat some of it. If I ate it all, garlic would start seeping out my pores.


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