17 August 2010

bombs away!

what's that you say? it's almost fall? time for bomber hats!!

credit where credit's due: the pattern comes from threadbanger.

ingredients assembled and pattern cut:

also, things that make me an idiot? on a list - not paying attention to how many of what pieces i need and cutting two of pieces i only need one of. such a waste!

pieces pieced together:

ready for tassels:

finish it off, and hat complete!

i didn't take a lot of photos of the process...i had already made one previously that didn't turn out nearly as well. i attempted to enlarge the pattern as i was cutting out, which made the hat WAAAAAY larger than needed. and crooked. see?

i promise it's not just his head that make the hat look strange. it's the hat that makes the hat look strange. :) anyway, this is me...signing off. i'm working full-time, schooling full-time and have a 15-hour-a-week practicum that i have to do...so you probably won't see me around these parts often. good thing kitchen ninja has our backs with updates.

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