31 May 2010

we baked some cupcakes, we had some laughs, we did a little dancing...

photos from this weekend's craftastical wedding - recipe for raspberry mojito cupcake to follow.


  1. un-freaking-believable. you ROCKED those cupcakes. everyone everyone is still talking about them. people have asked me if we had any left. how can they get them. can they give you their first born? can they fly you in from portland to make them a cake?

    robyn froze 4 for us, and i cannot wait to eat them ALL in one sitting. now that i can really sit back and savor them.

    love you
    more than words

  2. AwesomE! If anyone wants me to bake it up for them- then flying me in and buying the ingredients is my only fee...oh, and seeing lots of you and Les! Those are the rules. Btw - I love love love your sister! She almost literally rocked my face off. Same goes for your bro, and the bro and sister in law. You're lucky to have such quality siblings that made excellent choices when it came to who they married. : ) love you!!!!!!
